Working for, and with, our membership

As a membership organisation, we work with our member companies and the wider medicinal cannabis community, to develop and present policies to European Union and national member state governments, reimbursement organisations and regulatory authorities.

We use project working groups and expert networks to cover most industry hot topics. These groups are made up of member companies with special interest and expertise in these areas. This means that we can react quickly to any new issues as they arise. It is these expert networks which help us to draw up respond to consultations and otherwise to respond quickly to industry opportunities and challenges   

A few examples of the areas in which we are working include:

  • Developing and communicating best practice in the cultivation, production, testing and supply of medicinal cannabis;
  • Shaping the future environment between the EUMCA and the European national health organisations;
  • Reimbursement and patient access;
  • Building trust and reputation in the medicinal cannabis sector;
  • Improving the environment for research and development within the European Union.

Working on behalf of member companies of all sizes

Our member companies have an opportunity to be engaged with a wide range of industry activities. We have created a Smaller Companies Forum, which is dedicated to supporting and addressing the specific issues and needs impacting this defined group of companies.

One member of the Smaller Companies Forum will also sit the Board of Management, in order that this important sector of medicinal cannabis industry may have an influence in shaping the broader goals and policies of the EUMCA.

Membership Events & Updates

In addition to networking and ad hoc support, members receive access to key information updates, including:

  • Bi-Annual update meetings;
  • EUMCA Annual Meeting and Conference and AGM;
  • Quarterly specialist working group meetings (e.g. R&D, Regulatory);
  • Weekly updates– proactive support for members on upcoming media/environment issues
  • Quarterly government affairs reports;
  • Feedback from meetings and discussions with key stakeholders in the EU, national governments, regulatory agencies and payers;
  • Briefing papers and policy positions; 
  • Expert networks and specialist working groups – LINK (to what?)

Company visits

Our Membership Team will arrange a company visit for new and existing members with our Senior Leadership Team, who will tailor their visit to your specific requirements and discuss key priorities and focus of EUMCA in relation to your business.