You can contact our Communications Director at Penny.Lukats@eumca.org or +44 7775 992 350
EUMCA Member Tilray® Receives Complete GMP Certification At EU Campus
Certification signals another milestone for EU campus as Tilray’s international medical cannabis hubLicensing expands company’s international export capacity to serve authorized medical cannabis markets Provides authorization to complete medical cannabis extraction...
The EUMCA: Pioneering access to medicinal cannabis
"The latest data that came from a UK organisation, the CMC, involved analyzing 30 different products.. Only 38% of them had ingredients close to what was claimed on the label. In fact, one product had no cannabinoid in it at all." "To my mind, this whole area needs...
EU court advises against hemp-derived oil imports ban
The court’s opinion could go beyond e-cigarettes, according to Sita Schubert, General Secretary of the newly-born European Medicinal Cannabis Association (EUMCA), because “it clearly underlines that there shall be an alignment for introducing CBD products to the...
Nine new members join the European Medicinal Cannabis Association
“Only by coming together and acting as a collective can we make real change. This is why we are urging other organisations, both large and small, to join the EUMCA as we look to promote scientific medical research, and to bring a credible voice that drives and shapes...
Professor Trevor Jones, CBE, FMedSci, appointed chairman of the newly formed European Medicinal Cannabis Association
Brussels, 9 January 2020: The European Medicinal Cannabis Association (EUMCA), the newly formed Brussels-based industry body which advocates for European evidence-based policy to improve patient access to high-quality cannabis treatment, has today announced the appointment of Professor Jones, CBE, FMedSci, as its new Chairman.
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